Territorial changes and reorganizations. The Mexican regions in globalizatio


  • Héctor Ávila Sánchez


globalization, regional inequalities, territorial fragmentation


We analyse some territorial processes and changes occurred in Mexico as a result of the national economy opening since the middle 1980s, when it was integrated in the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Therefore, firstly, in our paper we show some effects of territorial fragmentation in three geographical areas (the North border Mexico-U.S; the center; and the south-southeast) in order to underline depth inequalities among areas. Two main factors are important: the level of participation in the global markets and the economic and social development. Secondly, we dissert about the role played by the public policies and the Mexican government in the context of economic and regional integration. Analytically, both aspects help us to explain some future tendencies relating the territories and the major levels of economic dynamism, with territories marked by inequalities, as a consequence of the opening of the national economy.

