Geography of subnational paradiplomacy in South América


  • Elói Martins Senhoras
  • Fabiano de Araújo Moreira
  • Claudete de Castro Silva Vitte


South America, Mercocities, Mercosur, Networks, Paradiplomacy


This paper focus on the geographic study of subnational paradiplomatic networks that have proliferated in South America through direct extroversion of cities, states and provinces in the international relations. The discussion brought by the article is structured with a research line that investigates the political geography of the regional integration in Mercosur and the formation of an international paradiplomatic network called mercocities. Throughout this study subsidies are supplied to contribute to a better understanding of the paradiplomatic phenomenon as such a reticular process that gets in the international global system and influences a new vision of the international relations in spite of the deficient outlook of the theoretical geography debates.

