The increase of the states number and their internal fragilities


  • Arlete Moysés Rodrigues


National states, imperialism, neoliberalism, territory, space


This article points characteristics of changes of nations, the political reorganization of world space, the importance of space/territory, hidden by the economy globalization. Shows how the administrative fragmentation of world’s space happens with the emancipation of the states and the political strategy oh the capitalist and imperialist states. In the period between 1945 and 2000 emerged around 100 new states. In 1945 there was around 60 countries, and in the beginning of the 21st century there are around 200 national states, proving the importance of the states to the capitalist imperialist that appears not to prescind of the territory organized in states. The State’s importance to guarantee the reproduction of capital is one of the goals of neoliberalism that, conflicting, defends the minimum state. However, when adopt the neoliberal agenda, especially defending privatization, grows the states affairs. Its important that critical geography examine critically contradictions and conflicts that shows the importance of space/territory of nation states and understand the control of imperialist states and of multination corporations upon other nations territory.

