Development discourses and environmental effects in Chile: spatial practices and territorial changes in the metropolitan area of Concepción (Chile), 1950-2010


  • Enrique Aliste


social geography, territory, sustainability, environmental history


Thinking the territory from the development discourse, helps in the understanding of the processes that have shaped spatially present urban morphology and its attributes and consequences environmental and economic, social, cultural and political. The metropolitan area of Concepción in Chile, icon of development discourse of mid-twentieth century, is an example of great interest to follow the course that the discourses of development have had on the environmental and territorial evolution in Latin American cities and the unveiling of the traces that are contained in the living history and space of the city. The present case aims to highlight the evidence of these transformations and thence infer the weight and consequence that the discourse of development has been in Chile. This work was carried out with funding from CONICYT through FONDECYT projects 1090248 and 1120306.