Quaternary environments in Sierra Nevada


  • Marc Oliva
  • Antonio Gómez Ortiz
  • David Palacios Estremera
  • Ferran Salvador Franch
  • Montserrat Salvà Catarineu


Sierra Nevada, Last Glaciation, deglaciation, Holocene, Little Ice Age, natural records, historical sources, landscape


Our understanding of the Quaternary environmental evolution in the Iberian mountains has significantly improved over the last decades. Very significant advances have been achieved in the massif of Sierra Nevada, in the south of the Iberian Peninsula. Researchers have used both natural records and historical sources to reconstruct the environmental dynamics since the Last Glaciation and deglaciation of the massif until the recent evolution. Past environmental changes allow inferring the climate variability of the last millennia. Human impact in the summits of Sierra Nevada has been significant during the Late Holocene, particularly since the Muslim occupation


