Reconfiguration of the social educational map as a territorial manifestation of the chilean neoliberal society


  • Pablo Martínez Riquelme
  • Jenny Mansilla Guzmán
  • Gonzalo Cifuentes Gómez


neoliberalism, educational system, territorial reconfiguration, Chile


In today’s chilean society there is general awareness that education has become a fundamental pillar of social, territorial and economical development. Therefore, to improve the educational system, several reforms and policies have been implemented in order to ensure full coverage, efficiency, quality and more equity. However, these efforts have been insufficient to reduce present inequities, which obstruct social mobility and maintain the current situation of the educational system. Consecuently, the social educational map has been reconfigured, consolidating an aspect of the chilean neoliberal society: the preference of private education over the public educational system.

