Changes in the territorial organization as a consquence of migrations: the periphery of “W” regional park (Benin, Burkina Faso, Niger)


  • Alessandra Ghisalberti


Migrations, West Africa, protected area, periphery


The periphery of the “W” Regional Park (Benin, Burkina Faso and Niger) is characterised by ethnic multiplicity, as well as by migratory fluxes that generate changes in the territorial organisation. This article aims at showing the modifications determined by these migratory processes, in a context without direct data about migration. The used methodology is based on a field data-base, collected during a pluriennial research, and the analysis are presented through participatory GIS (Geographic Information System). In particular, we mean to trace the main causes and consequences of migrations at a regional scale, in order to show afterwards at local scale the territorial consequences through the study case of Fiafounfoun village. Knowing such an articulate – from the socio-territorial point of view – situation puts in evidence the catalysing role of the protected area and its periphery that, through an unstoppable growth, become protagonist of accelerated territorial changes.

