The industrial heritage of Barcelona between the destruction and the preservation, 1999-2008


  • Mercè Tatjer


Industrial heritage, urban renewal, participatory processes, industry, Barcelona’s Poblenou


The studies on Barcelona’s industrial heritage have intensified after 1992, when the city hosted the 1992 Olympic Games. The preparation of the city for this event resulted in the complete demolishment of the industrial heritage of Icaria neighbourhood, which hosted the Olympic Village. After that, most neighbourhoods of the city witnessed the demolishment of interesting and emblematic industrial heritage pieces; however, it was in the industrial district of Poblenou where urban interventions promoted by Barcelona City Council have produced a great destruction of businesses and buildings. In recent years these industrial heritage assets have been known and valued thanks to citizen’s mobilization, to neighbourhood associations’ interest and to scientific, academic and professional institutions, which have managed, through civic actions, to stop some of the most destructive actions. This paper shows the example of the neo-classical building of the textile factory Can Ricart, built between 1853 and 1870, which, thanks to civic action, has finally been declared a National and Cultural Interest Building. The civic action has been essential in changing the meaning in the assessment, conservation and reuse of Barcelona industrial heritage, and at the same time it has highlighted the importance of participation in the planning processes.

