From “Geography of Accumulation” to “Geography of Reproduction”: a dialogue with Harvey


  • Ana Fani (Ana Fani Alessandri) Carlos


space, geography, accumulationç, reproduction, everyday life


This article aims to discuss the space, revealing its powerful in the comprehension of modern world, from the thesis which the geographic space consists itself as condition, medium and product of society reproduction in its totality, evolving several temporal-spatial scales and several levels of reality, that should prolong Marx's work, having in view the construction of a “social theory of space” in the sense of a radical critical geography. This argumentation allows to understand, in the limits of geography, the passage of the notion “production of space” as condition of the accumulation of capital to the notion “production of space” as condition of present reproduction in front of the accumulation crisis. As a starting point, a discussion about some David Harvey's works, who supports the thesis that accumulation crisis of capital would be solved, in the modern world, through the spatial fix.

