Contribution of the Cuban Diaspora to International Tourism in Cuba


  • José Luis Perelló Cabrera Universidad de La Habana, Havana



Tourism, migration, tourism market, tourism development, Cuba


The current trends of travel and tourism are subjected to complex behavior systems. New segments of travelers, related to tourist destinations by bonds of identity, origin and familiarity, are positioned in the travel and tourism market, as a result of the migratory mobility. The cuban migration towards the developed countries, mostly the United States and other tourist outbound markets, becomes one of the social phenomena of greater impact for the touristic development in the Island. If in the last decade the diaspora settled, in greater or smaller scale, in the developed countries, which at the same time constitute the main tourist outbound markets; from now on, they are able to integrate a segment of travelers, who are in the position to make greater expenses in your country of origin. The cuban´s diapora will constitute in the next years the main outbound market for Cuba; and at the same time, the greater source of tourist income for the destination, since it does not incur in important expenses with the international operators. This segment will demand new domestic products when visiting its country of origin, and undoubtedly will become the main tourist market, generating important income.

Author Biography

José Luis Perelló Cabrera, Universidad de La Habana, Havana

Doctor en Ciencias Económicas, Master en Gestión Turística y Diplomado en Alta Dirección de Empresas Turísticas por la ESADE de Barcelona. Profesor Titular de la Facultad de Turismo de La Universidad de La Habana y Presidente del Consejo Científico. Ha impartido numerosos cursos de postgrado, maestrías y seminarios en Cuba y en el extranjero. Autor de varios libros y artículos en revistas especializadas nacionales y extranjeras y conferencista en varios Congresos y Convenciones internacionales y nacionales. En la actualidad se especializa en temas de migraciones internacionales y desarrollo turístico.



How to Cite

Perelló Cabrera, J. L. (2017). Contribution of the Cuban Diaspora to International Tourism in Cuba. Ara: Journal of Tourism Research, 5(2), 21–31.


