From Tourism Phobia to Tourist Coexistence: The Case of Barcelona. Comparative Analysis with Amsterdam and Berlin


  • Nuria Guitart Casalderrey CETT - Universidad de Barcelona
  • Jessica Alcalde Garcia
  • Anna Pitarch Mach
  • Óscar Vallvé Fernández



local planning, overcrowding, sustainability, tourist coexistence, tourist housing, tourism phobia


The phenomenon of tourism phobia and the problems of tourist coexistence are the subject matter, by means of a comparative analysis between the cities of Amsterdam, Barcelona and Berlin. The main objective of the study is to explain the tourism phobia phenomenon with the purpose of knowing the common characteristics that cause the appearance of problems of tourist coexistence.
In order to be able to study this phenomenon, a statistical data search and informative articles analysis have been executed to point out the common characteristics and the problems of the tourist activity in this three cities. At the same time, interviews to personalities of the sector have been carried out, and include professionals from the public administration, associations, teachers and members of the private sector.
This research has led us to consider that tourism phobia, etymologically speaking, gets away of the most common thoughts and opinions. All three cities present several problems of coexistence between tourists and residents which appear from the overcrowding of public spaces and as a result of a bad planning of the territory, causing discomfort among citizens. These problems have been understood as the hate to tourism by some industry players and the media.


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How to Cite

Guitart Casalderrey, N., Alcalde Garcia, J., Pitarch Mach, A., & Vallvé Fernández, Óscar. (2019). From Tourism Phobia to Tourist Coexistence: The Case of Barcelona. Comparative Analysis with Amsterdam and Berlin. Ara: Journal of Tourism Research, 8(2), 25–34.


