A Logit Model to explain Tourism Entrepreneurs’ Support for Tourism: Case Study for the island of Mauritius
Tourism, Entrepreneurship, Impacts, Logit Model, MauritiusAbstract
There is growing evidence that tourism entrepreneurs not only contribute in the socio-economic development of a nation but also in the overall attractiveness of a destination. In fact, numerous studies on the topic have led researchers to conclude that local entrepreneurs are important stakeholders and their supportiveness and/or non-supportiveness has a considerable impact on overall tourism development of a nation. Mauritius, as a small beach destination, is not exempt from this phenomenon. The island, which is popular for its sea, sun and sand, is dependent on its tourism enterprises to promote local resources and sustain tourism businesses. As a result, understanding the exact factors that account for local entrepreneurs’ support and/or non-support for tourism is important, failing which it might be difficult to develop tourism in a sustainable and socially compatible manner. At present, there is a dearth of research in the field of tourism entrepreneurship in Mauritius whereas this sector continues to be an important pillar of the local tourism industry. To address this knowledge gap, the present study analyses local entrepreneurs’ support for tourism development in a specific region of Mauritius. Methodologically, the study takes place using the mixed mode. The quantitative part of the study related to the administration of questionnaires and these were followed by the development of a hypotheses meant to be tested in a logistic regression model. The qualitative data was derived from semi-structured interviews conducted with formal and informal tourism entrepreneurs. The findings culminate into a Logit Model which statistically explains the factors that account for entrepreneurs’ supportiveness towards tourism. The uniqueness of this study lies in the fact that it is the first to propose a Logit Model on local entrepreneurs’ support for tourism development. Findings derived from the study generate important information on factors motivating entrepreneurs to support tourism and are helpful to tourism planners and promoters as well as policy makers. The study winds up with some discussions and proposes avenues for future research.References
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