The satisfaction level of the residents of Canet d'EN Berenguer, Cullera and Olive with tourism
Canet d’En Berenguer, Cullera, Oliva, Sustainable Tourism, Resident Satisfaction, Urban overcrowdingAbstract
The sustainable development of the tourist activity is linked to the level of satisfaction of the resident. The opinion and attitudes of the same ones in reference to the tourist activity allow the development of successful tourist planning policies. The municipalities of Canet d'En Berenguer, Cullera and Oliva suffer from summer overcrowding. In the study carried out, the presence of a sun and beach tourism based on urban development could be observed, which gave way to the search for the local level of satisfaction by means of population surveys. It was perceived that the tourist activity is accepted favorably, however it is also noticed that the sensation of overcrowding is present and generating anthropic pressure in the territory, stereotyping the landscape and altering the character of the destination. It is concluded that the local population is beginning to be annoyed by the overcrowding. To this, the administrations offer complementary services and products, without understanding that the problem lies in the typology of urban use implemented as a form of tourist activity and not as a complement to economic, social and environmental development.
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