How Urban Sustainable Development Can Improve Tourism Attractiveness




Urban Tourism, Attractiveness, Sustainable devlopment, Québec City, Bordeaux


This paper investigates the role of sustainable development in city tourism attractiveness. A tripartite theoretical model of tourism attractiveness was tested to verify the relevance of the economic, environmental, social and cultural aspects of urban sustainable development. The comparative analysis of Québec City and Bordeaux was based on visitors’ perceptions established through a questionnaire survey conducted with 499 tourists in summer 2014. This analysis produced three main findings. First, four levels of city tourism attractiveness were revealed (context, belt, complementary attractions and nucleus) and variables related to the urban living environment stood out in importance. Second, visitors recognized four sustainable development dimensions, and proved most sensitive to cultural aspects, followed by environmental concerns. Third, the correlations between tourism attractiveness and sustainable development were stronger within the broader spheres of attractiveness. The study reveals that sustainability notions are most strongly internalized by tourists when tangibly reflected in the public space. By offering visitors new perspectives on urban living, sustainable development brings smart solutions to perpetuate the urban tourism industry while improving quality of life for residents.

Author Biographies

Maryse Boivin, Université du Québec à Montréal Concept Action Durable

Maryse Boivin holds a PhD in Urban Studies led in co-supervision between the University of Quebec in Montreal (UQAM) and the University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour (UPPA). Her thesis focused on the sustainable development of cities and the attractiveness of urban tourism. As a research professional and consultant, she is also interested by the impacts of events on a city and by different sustaibility issues as mobility, green spaces, ressource management and sustainable developpement skills in human ressources.

Georges A Tanguay, Université du Québec à Montréal

Georges A. Tanguay is Full Professor in the Department of Urban and Tourism Studies at the School of Management of the University of Quebec in Montreal. Specialized in economics and sustainable development, Pr. Tanguay is a Fellow member at the Center for Interuniversity Research and Analysis of Organizations (CIRANO). He is an internationally recognized expert for his research on sustainable development indicators.


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How to Cite

Boivin, M., & Tanguay, G. A. (2019). How Urban Sustainable Development Can Improve Tourism Attractiveness. Ara: Journal of Tourism Research, 8(2), 53–70.


