Quality of the tourism websites. The case of DTI Barcelona





Calidad web, Sitio Web turístico, DTI, DMO, sistema de análisis web, WebSite Canvas Model, evaluación web


This article presents a web quality evaluation model designed to assess the overall quality of a tourism website. The main objective of this article is to demonstrate that the quality of a tourism website can not be evaluated using only an analysis system focused on the technical aspects of a website, a method that is generally used by both the industry and the academy. Taking into account the official website of the city of Barcelona, this research shows that to evaluate the quality of a website it is essential to use two different analyzes. The first should focus on the strategic aspects of the website and the second should focus on the technical aspects. To validate this hypothesis, two analysis systems have been used. The SAST system, focused on technical aspects, and the WSCM system, focused on strategic aspects. The results obtained after the implementation of both systems show that its coordinated use provides a complete and accurate evaluation of a website. In addition, this study verifies the hypothesis that the use of a single system in the evaluation of a website could result in a biased and inaccurate conclusion of the analysis.


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How to Cite

Sanabre, C., Vinyals-Mirabent, S., & Pedraza-Jiménez, R. (2019). Quality of the tourism websites. The case of DTI Barcelona. Ara: Journal of Tourism Research, 9(1), 7–17. https://doi.org/10.1344/ara.v9i1.27970


