Towards the Study of the Perception of the Residents of Cozumel Island


  • Mariana del Rocio Olmedo Ochoa Universidad de Quintana Roo
  • Alejandro Palafox-Muñoz Universidad de Quintana Roo
  • Sergio Lagunas-Puls Universidad del Caribe



Perception, Perception of the residents, Tourism, Cozumel


The objective of this article is to know and evaluate the impacts that can improve or affect the host community, as well as identify areas of opportunity in terms of managing the tourist destination. To achieve the above, the methodology proposed by Doxey was applied, specifically by measuring it through the Irridex index, seeking to avoid residents having friction towards tourists in the future. It is concluded that by assessing the perception of residents, it can generate knowledge, as in the insular destination of Cozumel, locating the stage in which the population is located, which could help in the generation of public policies.

Author Biography

Mariana del Rocio Olmedo Ochoa, Universidad de Quintana Roo

Licenciada en Gestión Turística

Estudiante de la Maestría en Gestión Sustentable del Turismo


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How to Cite

Olmedo Ochoa, M. del R., Palafox-Muñoz, A., & Lagunas-Puls, S. (2021). Towards the Study of the Perception of the Residents of Cozumel Island. Ara: Journal of Tourism Research, 10(1), 1–24.


