Religious Spaces & Tourist Practices in Two Emerging Marian Destinations from Argentina




turismo religioso, peregrinaciones, espacio, mariofanía


The Marian devotions are a historical regular in the reality of Latin America; and Argentina is not the exception to the case. The Marian cartography and the map of the pilgrimages to destinations where the Virgin has presence had some modifications throughout the twentieth century, and especially in last two decades through the emergence of new focuses of Marian religiosity: the Virgen del Rosario de San Nicolás (1983) and the Virgen del Cerro de Salta (1990) generating a redefinition of the pilgrim routes and religious tourism practices. The article analyses the emergence of these two new Marian spatialities and the projection as centers of religious tourism in a comparative way.

The article aims at analyzing the emergence of these two new Marian spatialities and their projection as centers of religious tourism.

The qualitative methodology supported by journalistic sources, material from web pages, brochures and audiovisual material generated by the institutions themselves together with quantitative sources were complemented by an experiential fieldwork in both religious stages and semi-structured interviews with different subjects.

The comparative study allowed us to notice the singularities of two emergent cases with different levels of advance, showing that these contemporary forms account for a complexity that requires constant evaluation of their results.

Author Biography

Fabián Claudio Flores, CONICET - Universidad Nacional de Luján

Profesor adunto del departamento de Ciencias Sociales de la Universidad Nacional de Luján.

Investigador independiente del CONICET. 


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How to Cite

Flores, F. C. (2021). Religious Spaces & Tourist Practices in Two Emerging Marian Destinations from Argentina. Ara: Journal of Tourism Research, 11(1), 16–36.


