Social Tourism in Barcelona: Child Inclusion Mechanism
Accesibilidad, Barcelona, inclusión social, infancia, Turismo SocialAbstract
This study deals with the considerations, evolutions and modifications suffered by Social Tourism, focusing on the group of minors in a situation of vulnerability, and how their accessibility to leisure activities is managed in Barcelona.
The main objective is to check if Barcelona is a suitable and prepared city in terms of Social Tourism focused on the group of minors in risk of exclusion. In addition, the article participates in the diffusion of the indicators proposed by the study. To achieve this objective, this project is based on an academic search from various bibliographical sources on the terms and evolution of Social Tourism and social exclusion, and an analysis of the existing offer in Barcelona. In order to know the vision of the agents involved in this subject, in-depth interviews have been carried out with professionals of the sector.
The results obtained point out that Social Tourism in Barcelona is managed in a singular way, since it bases its tourist activity on an economic purpose. This is due to scarce practices aimed at minors at risk of social exclusion as well as to the lack of policies that facilitate their access to leisure and as well the lack of policies to facilitate this access. Furthermore, the study proposes a system of indicators capable of recognising whether a city is inclusive in terms of Social Tourism.
This study deals with the considerations, evolutions and modifications suffered by Social Tourism, focusing on the group of minors in a situation of vulnerability, and how their accessibility to leisure activities is managed in Barcelona.
The main objective is to check if Barcelona is a suitable and prepared city in terms of Social Tourism focused on the group of minors in risk of exclusion. In addition, the article participates in the diffusion of the indicators proposed by the study. To achieve this objective, this project is based on an academic search from various bibliographical sources on the terms and evolution of Social Tourism and social exclusion, and an analysis of the existing offer in Barcelona. In order to know the vision of the agents involved in this subject, in-depth interviews have been carried out with professionals of the sector.
The results obtained point out that Social Tourism in Barcelona is managed in a singular way, since it bases its tourist activity on an economic purpose. This is due to scarce practices aimed at minors at risk of social exclusion as well as to the lack of policies that facilitate their access to leisure and as well the lack of policies to facilitate this access. Furthermore, the study proposes a system of indicators capable of recognising whether a city is inclusive in terms of Social Tourism.
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