Dimensions of entrepreneurship around the reactivation of the economy based on tourism in central Mexico


  • Cruz García Lirios Universidad Autónoma del Estado de México https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9364-6796
  • Gilberto Bermúdez-Ruíz Universidad Anáhuac del Sur
  • Margarita Juárez-Nájera Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana (Azcapotzalco)




Covid-19, Entrepreneurship, Model, Specification, Usefulness


The pandemic caused by SARS CoV-2 and the COVID-19 disease have linked tourism with local entrepreneurship. It is a phenomenon in which political actors, economic and social agents converge in order to reactivate the local economy. In this vein, the objective of this work was to validate an entrepreneurship scale, considering four dimensions: trust. opportunity, optimization and innovation. An exploratory, cross-sectional and psychometric work was carried out with a sample of 100 coffee growers from central Mexico. Four factors were established that explained 32% of the variance, suggesting the contrast in another sample. In relation to the state of the art, the scope of the study is discussed.


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How to Cite

García Lirios, C., Bermúdez-Ruíz, G. ., & Juárez-Nájera , M. (2022). Dimensions of entrepreneurship around the reactivation of the economy based on tourism in central Mexico. Ara: Journal of Tourism Research, 11(1), 100–114. https://doi.org/10.1344/ara.v11i1.34526


