Analysis of a metatheoretical model applied to nearby rural communities to tourist destinations in Quintana Roo, Mexico
Tourism, communities, alternative structures, sustainabilityAbstract
The aim of this study was to analyze the nearby rural communities to tourist destinations in the state of Quintana Roo from a metatheoretical model of critical approach, and oriented towards alternatives for the development of tourism and based on the dynamic participation and intervention of local actors. The model was applied in 17 communities, which consists of a semi-structured interview, especially designed for workers in the tourism field. The results indicated a different vision than the one contemplated in the diagnoses and analysis of the traditional and current touristic models, since it demonstrates the sensitive direct perception of the communities, especially, the actors that intervene directly in tourist activities. The main challenges of the rural communities must be focused on two aspects: a) to develop sustainable tourism and b) to rescue and diversify their traditional activities. The use of the model works as an axis of analysis on the development of the activity and the impact on the living conditions of the receiving community of the tourist destinations and establishes an excellent beginning, in favor of welfare.
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