The double gender gap in tourism professionals: evidence from North Patagonia Argentina
double gender gap; tourism professionals; digital skills; ICT; inequalities., double gender gap, tourism professionals, digital skills, ICT, inequalitiesAbstract
This article explores how the virtualized territorial dynamics develop in the tourism labor market from a gender perspective and considering the professionals of the sector who work in North Patagonia (Argentina) as units of analysis. The adoption of digital tools is a challenge for tourism organizations which, at the individual level, could affect the professional development of women, both in their chances of entering and staying in their jobs.
The approach to the study of this topic is carried out through the concept of “Double Gender Gap", since gender inequalities may not only be regarding the hierarchical levels that women could occupy in organizations, but also because of their digital skills.
Based on exploratory research, the results obtained are encouraging for professional tourism women in North Patagonia, as regards their hierarchical position within this type of organization. However, in order to hold these positions, they must have higher training levels.
The findings offer an input for the development of policies for the insertion of women in the labor market of the tourism sector.
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