Can cultural ecosystem services be the basis for a theoretical model of alternative tourism?
general theory of systems, geography, research work, ecosystem servicesAbstract
This article proposes a theoretical model of alternative tourism based on cultural ecosystem services. It is based on the general theory of systems, physical and human geography and tourism models. The methodology used was the in-depth review of documents that have been developed in science on these concepts and models, the subsystems of the model were selected and classified and the relationship that is generated between them is explained. As a result, the model proposal is presented, since there are endless proposals; however, this is an innovative proposal since it is still necessary to explain the relationship that is generated between alternative tourism and cultural ecosystem services. Concluding with a model that can make significant contributions to geography and tourism, this opens up new lines of research.
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Copyright (c) 2023 Luis Guadarrama García, Miguel Ángel Balderas Plata, Jesús Gastón Gutiérrez Cedillo, Bonifacio Pérez Alcántara, Yanelli Daniela Palmas Castrejón
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