Peer Review Process

ARA: Journal of Tourism Research is an international peer-reviewed journal. It publishes only original research articles. All submissions will be subjected to a previous screening by the Editorial Team and anti-plagiarism check with the plagiarism detection tool URKUND. If found suitable considering the scope of the journal and Author Guidelines, the manuscript will be peer reviewed by two independent, anonymous expert referees (double blind peer-review).


  1. The author submits the paper through the OJS platform of ARA:JTR's website. 
  2. The Editorial Team registers the reception date of the paper.  
  3. The Editorial Team performs a Technical Review to confirm that the manuscript follows the author’s guidelines and checks the authenticity of the work with the plagiarism detection tool URKUND.
  4. Two anonymous and independent referees will be chosen in order to evaluate the paper. The evaluation will be done based on a standard form. It is important to mention that this process will be carried out through the double blind peer-review system.
  5. Once the evaluation is finished, the reviewers’ decision is communicated to the author/s: 
  • Acceptance of the paper and the number of the journal where the paper will appear.
  • Suggestions and /or corrections by the referees are provided, if applies
  • Paper's rejection and the communication of its reasons are told to the authors 
  1. If corrections are needed, authors will have 15 days in order to send a new version of the paper. 
  2. The reviewers will evaluate the revised manuscript and will confirm whether the corrections and/or modification suggested have been properly addressed. If necessary, the editorial team may refer to a new reviewer for a final round. In accordance with the reviewers’ decision, the Editorial team will determine if the article is suitable for publishing and will communicate the final decision to the author/s.
  3. Once again, the Editorial Team will review the paper and decide if it is suitable for publishing. The decision will be told to authors. 
  4. Once the paper is considered definite and suitable for publishing, the acceptance date is registered and the publishing process begins. When the journal number is closed and published, the publishing date is added to the paper.