Didactics of socio-environmental education: methodological guidelines for eco-social transformation





2030 Agenda, qualitative methodology, socio-environmental education, ecosocial transformation


The current problems of the planetary environment, manifested on different scales, force us to reflect on their learning and to understand the resistance and denial of phenomena that concern the academic community. The work carried out as professors and students of the Teaching Degree, as well as in the Master's Degree in Research in Specific Didactics and the production of Theses, Final Master's, and Degree Projects, has allowed us to study and explain the problems of our world, in their different spatial scales. These are included in the global educational goals of the 2030 Agenda and those of Spain (LOMLOE 3/2020). With this, methodological arguments that support the humanization of education are developed, identifying achievement indicators that deepen the ecosocial transformation from social and civic competencies. A specific contribution within a research program that analyzes the social representations that shape our decisions. This article reviews the methodological approaches used in interdisciplinary works, as they contribute to initial training needs and are linked to communicative work in the classroom.


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Author Biographies

Antonio José Morales Hernández, Universitat de València

Doctor en Geografía e Historia. Profesor asociado del Departamento de Didáctica de las Ciencias Experimentales y Sociales (Universitat de València). Coordinador del programa EcoRiba en el Ayuntamiento de Riba-roja de Túria (Premio Educación Ambiental en Ruta 2022, en la categoría de entidades locales).

Carlos Caurín Alonso, Universitat de Valencia

Profesor asociado de la Universitat de Valencia, Director del Máster de Formación Permanente Convivencia y Resolución de Conflictos Escolares de la Universitat de Valencia. Catedrático de Biología y Geología del Instituto San Vicente Ferrer de Valencia. 

Irene Lacruz Pérez, Universitat de Valencia

Doctora en Didácticas Específicas. Personal Investigador en Formación del Departamento de Didáctica y Organización Escolar (Universitat de València).




