Models of subjectivizing in the contemporary politics
Model of Subjectivizing, Transcendental Subject, Dialectical Subject, Hermeneutical Subject, Weak SubjectAbstract
In this article, I shall consider the theme of the modern and postmodern paradigm of reason and subject, and its emergence in the XXth century, within the framework of the contemporary politics. There are philosophers, like Descartes and Kant, that bring to philosophy the scientific model of the rationality with the aim to adapt it to the metaphysical problems. There are, however, philosophers, like Hegel, that try to preserve the nature of the philosophical rationality, that conceive through the dialectical rationality, and to renovate the dialectics itself. The subject, that thinks from those philosophical perspectives, is a transcendental one (Kantian), respectively, a dialectical one (Hegelian), that square with the two modern paradigms of the reason: the geometric reason and the dialectical reason. With Nietzsche and Heidegger, the hermeneutical reason goes into the philosophical scene and its sense will be the anti-paradigm of the modern reason, that will aim to emphasize a new human subject for the new challenges of the XXth century life. Vattimo proposes us the paradigm of the hermeneutical reason of the “weak subject”, carrying it to its logical conclusion the Nietzsche-Heidegger’s “forgot subject”. Along the cultural history of Europe, the human subject has projected himself in different ways, by the time or by the space, so we should have temporal paradigms of the subject and spatial paradigms of the subject. Nowadays, in the political space, the human subject acts through his model of subjectivizing and recognition of political reality.
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