«The emperor wears no clothes!»: a laclaudian perspective on EUropopulism


Mots-clés :

“Populism”, “European Union”, “Ursula von der Leyen”, “Laclau”, “Discourse analysis”


The current paper consists of thought exercise that aims at challenging the quasi-universal assumption that only those opposing the multidimensional integration project underlying the construction and expansion of the European Union are populists. Analyzing the European Commission’s president - Ursula von der Leyen - inaugural speech against the backdrop of Ernesto Laclau “On populist reason”, this paper unveils traces of populism in the EU actions and discourse, only to confirm populism as a logic inherent to the political, rather than an ideology per se.

Biographie de l'auteur-e

Tiago Vieira, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

PhD candidate at UAB


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