The coup d’État in the discourses of Salvador Allende


  • Daniel Michaud Maturana Université Catholique de Louvain – Zuyd University of Applied Sciences
  • Juan De Antonio Carmona Independent Researcher



Chile, Salvador Allende, coup, cognitive linguistics


This contribution deals with the conceptualization of the coup d’État which comes up in the five speeches given by Allende on the morning of September 11, 1973. The conceptualizations of the Government, the Armed Forces and the relationship between both institutions are analyzed from the perspective of Cognitive Linguistics. The results show, firstly, the conceptualization of the Government as legitimate and defender of ideals that transcend the triumph of the coup; secondly, the conceptualization of the Armed Forces as an institution that abandons its institutional responsibility to defend the democratic government in favor of the conservative sectors; and, thirdly, the conceptualization of the coup as a process of deinstitutionalization of the Armed Forces and of the relationship between both institutions

Author Biographies

Daniel Michaud Maturana, Université Catholique de Louvain – Zuyd University of Applied Sciences

Daniel Michaud Maturana, doctor en Lingüística por la KULeuven, es colaborador científico afiliado en el Instituto de Lenguaje y Comunicación de la UCLouvain, y profesor de castellano e investigación en Zuyd University of Applied Sciences. Ha publicado con B. De Cock tres análisis del Informe de la Comisión de Verdad y Reconciliación de Chile (2014, 2018 y 2019) y es coeditor de libro Du signifiant minimal aux textes (Delbecque, Delport y Michaud)

Juan De Antonio Carmona, Independent Researcher

Juan de Antonio Carmona, Abogado e investigador independiente. Colabora con Daniel Michaud Maturana en el análisis lingüístico cognitivo e histórico de las leyes de amnistía en España y en Chile.


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How to Cite

Michaud Maturana, D., & De Antonio Carmona, J. (2021). The coup d’État in the discourses of Salvador Allende. Clivatge. Journal of Studies on Social Conflict and Change, (9), e–33649.


