About «queer agendas», «trans lobbies» and «mutant cults»: trans-exclusionary feminism in Spain
Feminism, Social Conflict, power, TERF, transphobiaAbstract
From 2008 on, the term “TERF” has been used to refer to feminist sectors with transphobic and essentialist tendencies. In the Spanish state, this kind of feminism has been highlighted in the few past years, especially in the context of the debate around the Trans Law. Through an analysis of this situation, this article aims to answer the following questions: Who are the TERF? What do they say? Why do they say it? Thus, the results enabled us to reflect on TERF feminism as an internal fight for power within feminism (and not against it) and on the parallels between TERF discourse and other forms of discourse, both anti-feminist (those of the far-right or the religious orthodoxy) or those of the conservative, reactionary branch of the socialist left.
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