Research listening to adolescent voices.
Ethnography with adolescents from a feminist epistemology
Ethnography, Adolescence, Linguistic Anthropology, Feminist MethodologyAbstract
Research with adolescents, in addition to contributing to the production of knowledge, involves recognition of the discourse of people who usually do not have great opportunities to participate in public debates on the main issues that occupy and concern society. To this end, it is important that the research practice itself is designed, planned, and developed from a reflexive approach that fosters dynamic and respectful relationships between researchers and adolescents. In this article I show the epistemological approach of my doctoral thesis, which is based on the application of the proposals of feminist epistemology. Based on the experiences of my research work with adolescents, I expose some of the methodological and technical issues that arose during the ethnographic work. I provide some concrete examples of my fieldwork in which, starting from the daily life practices of adolescents in the Basque Country, I have analyzed the linguistic dynamics currently existing in the process of revitalization of the Basque language, delving into the relationship between age and gender in linguistic practices and ideologies.
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