Challenges for the study of social differences in the digital era from a feminist perspective


  • Carla Barrio Universidad Carlos III de Madrid



Digital Research, Gender, Feminist Methodologies, PhD, Social Networks


In a scenario marked by the lack of effective incorporation of feminist epistemologies into doctoral social research. This article presented a critical reflection on the definition and development process of my dissertation 'Trap algorithm: between appropriations and distinctions of digital taste'. For this purpose, in the first part, the theoretical framework is reviewed, assuming the teachings of digital feminism in order to identify the general lines that will help us to think about the impact of the social media platform in the gender identification processes. This review shows the difficulty of not only incorporating but also maintaining the feminist perspective in our research while assuming the different challenges that digital research brings to it. In this way, after a brief passage on the particularities of my dissertation, a debate about the importance to revive the urgency of working from a feminist perspective is developed and, also, the necessity to have institutional support in order to incorporate the feminist epistemologies to our works, regardless of who our advisors are or doctoral program we are enrolled.


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How to Cite

Barrio, C. (2023). Challenges for the study of social differences in the digital era from a feminist perspective . Clivatge. Journal of Studies on Social Conflict and Change, (11), e–42185.



Monográfico metodología feminista en investigaciones de tesis doctoral