Covid19, public intervention and redistributive preferences: a descriptive analysis of the Spanish case


  • Mario Ríos Fernández Universitat de Girona
  • Félix Valle Moreno Universitat de Girona



Redistribution, Pandemic, Public opinion, Social inequality, Social policy, Preferences


The COVID19 pandemic has brought great changes in society. The strong intervention of the public powers in the health crisis and the social impact that this has caused with the increase in poverty and inequality, are factors that can originate a social conflict around the redistribution of income and wealth. This article aims to discern from a study of the behavior of public opinion based on the Public Opinion Studies and Fiscal Policies of the CIS if there has been a change in support for strengthening the Welfare State, in fiscal matters and in the provision of public services and the redistribution capacity of public institutions.

Author Biographies

Mario Ríos Fernández, Universitat de Girona

Politólogo, analista de datos por la UB y Máster en Análisis Político y Asesoría Institucional por la misma universidad. Es profesor asociado en la Universitat de Girona y en la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.

Félix Valle Moreno, Universitat de Girona

Politólogo. Máster en Políticas Sociales, Trabajo y Bienestar. Actualmente coordina en la Associació Prohabitatge proyectos dirigidos a población en exclusión social, e investigación social sobre desigualdad.


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2021-06-30 — Updated on 2021-07-22

How to Cite

Ríos Fernández, M., & Valle Moreno, F. (2021). Covid19, public intervention and redistributive preferences: a descriptive analysis of the Spanish case. Clivatge. Journal of Studies on Social Conflict and Change, (9), e–34368.


