Intergenerational conflicts in agroindustrial contexts. Rural youth in the face of monoculture and aerial fumigations in Mexico
Rural Youth, Intergenerational Conflict, Agribusiness, Aerial Fumigation.Abstract
The article proposes an approach from the study of rural youth to the context of socio-environmental problems caused by the growth of agribusiness. This agricultural model, in the specific case analyzed, has promoted corn monoculture for several decades; the rural development model implemented is reaching its limits and causing a large part of the generalized crisis experienced in rural Mexico. One of the essential elements in this form of production is the use of agrochemicals, whose growth has been exponential and whose socio-environmental effects are accumulating. We present, ethnographically, an episode where different generations confront each other about the effects of these agricultural practices, analyzing it from an intergenerational perspective, which allows us to see the complexity of the conflicts played out in rural territories marked by agro-extractivism, whose effects threaten the dignified life of young people and children in rural areasReferences
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