The Use of Facebook in Higher Education: Analysis of the Relationship Between Participation and Subject Marks
Tecnología Educativa, Enseñanza Superior, Participación, Redes Sociales, EvaluaciónAbstract
Social networks in Higher Education have enormous educational potential, within the framework of a teaching process that values communication between educational agents, collaboration as a teaching methodology and active participation as a means of achieving more meaningful and contextualised learning. Within the framework of an experience of educational innovation based on the use of Facebook in early childhood education Degree at University of Murcia (Spain). From the implementation, the relationship between the participation of students on this social network and their mark in the subject “Medios, Materiales y TIC” is analyzed. For this purpose, a quantitative methodology is used, with an ex post facto research design based on the marks obtained by the students (n=172), with which a multiple correlation analysis has been carried out. The results show significant differences in the grades obtained by the three groups of the subject, as well as in the relationship between participation in the social network Facebook and the final grade of the subject, showing that the students who obtain the best grades are those who have participated most in the social network. The experience carried out shows the potential of Facebook as a complementary resource as part of a reflective and planned process. Likewise, it raises the need to complete research such as this with cutting-edge research approaches that allow the differences in terms of the methodology used by the teaching staff to be accounted for.
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