The Use of Social Media in Education: A Systematic Review of the Scientific Literature
Redes sociales en educación, entornos virtuales, competencia digital docente, comunidades educativasAbstract
Teaching-learning strategies have undergone changes in recent years due to the emergence of digital technology and the emergence of social media as mediators and facilitators of new contexts. A review of the scientific literature that has dealt with the use of generic social media in different educational settings during the last ten years is carried out in this work. For this, a documentary analysis of the articles indexed in the Journal Citation Reports (JCR) of the Web of Science has been carried out. For this purpose, a documentary analysis of the articles indexed in the Journal Citation Reports of the Web of Science was carried out, which, after selection, resulted in 160 papers. To do their analysis they have been divided into five areas: digital competence and teaching digital competence; social media as a vehicle for the creation of virtual environments and educational communities; the teaching-learning process mediated by social media as a didactic resource at various educational levels; problems and addictions derived from the use of social media and social movements and demands in the field of education through social media. The results reveal that, although new environments and contexts are being established in this sense and that research on them is intensified, in all categories of analysis there is a wide margin for implementation.
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