Digital competence in the attention of students with special educational needs. An overview from the European Framework for Digital Teaching Competence “DigCompEdu”
Digital competence, Special education, Special educational needs, Digital resources, TeachersAbstract
We live in an age marked by technological advances. From an educational point of view, a model which requires methodologies adapted to digital media has consolidated, implying that the development of digital competence among the teachers has taken a special importance in order to adapt the learning and teaching process to each individual needs, favouring inclusion of students with special educational needs.
This research aims to analyse the digital competency of teachers specialized in the attention to diversity. To this end, a non-experimental, descriptive investigation has been carried out, with a sample of 60 teachers currently working in both the Special and Ordinary Education models. The European questionnaire "DigCompEdu" has been used as analysis tool. Data obtained allows us to conclude that the level of digital competence of teachers who attend diversity in Special Education Schools is lower than the level shown by teachers of Ordinary Schools, showing statistically significative differences in three of the analysed areas. These areas are related to the use of digital competence, the adaptation of evaluation strategies and development of digital competency among the students.
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