Habits, norms and use of technologies in early childhood households from a gender perspective
Childhood, technology, family, gender, empowermentAbstract
The use of technologies at home directly influences how children perceive them for their learning at school. Numerous studies have focused on the different ways in which digital technologies are used at home and in schools. These studies attempt to explain how previous experience and knowledge can be linked to the use of technologies at school, the differences between home and school literacies, or how socio-economic status influences the availability of technology in these socio-educational institutions. All of them show that technology has become part of children's lives. Consequently, the aim of this study was to obtain information about the habits, norms and use of technology by children aged 2-6 years in their homes and the differences between genders. To this end, a validated questionnaire was created. A total of 1016 parents completed the questionnaire. The results show the most used technologies, the time of use and whom they are used with, as well as the rules imposed and their opinion about this use. Likewise, there are significant differences that lead to carry out and discuss proposals for STEAM work in Early Childhood Education classrooms in order to empower students.
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