Technology and methodology: the “MADE BY THEM TO THEM” approach in early childhood
pedagogical innovation, skills in the 21st century, education transformationAbstract
Knowing that the Internet has opened doors to information and to the possibility of ubiquitous communication, there is now a need to review ways of teaching and learning. Learning to learn assumes a significant predominance in the methodological design due to the centrality of the student in the learning process. In this sense, this study aims to understand the approach “Made by them to them: the students in the learning process” in early childhood, assuming that it 1) activates prior knowledge; 2) promotes personal and collaborative efforts in the construction of the didactic resource; 3) creates emotion in the learning process. This is a multiple case study in different educational contexts and levels whose data collection was carried out by analyzing reflective narratives carried out by intern students from higher education institutions in public and private institutions. The results suggest that this approach, in addition to activating prior knowledge that is important for the construction of a robust structure of knowledge and significantly involving children in an emotional process of well-being, stimulates the natural articulation of knowledge in an inclusive environment. We conclude that situated and contextualized learning in a growing process of child involvement facilitates the understanding of reality and promotes inclusion and the construction of complex thoughts.
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