Characteristics of the prosodic competence of young bilingual basques in storytelling



oral communicative competence, prosodic competence, bilingualism, oral texts


The aim of this work is to describe the prosodic competence of a group of young bilingual Basque people in the narration of the classic tale Little Red Riding Hood in a spontaneous way in order to create a standard in the narration of the classic oral tale. The corpus has been elaborated with the texts of 100 bilingual young people of the seven territories of the Basque Country. The characteristics analysed are: the number of syllables, the number of prosodic groups, the duration, the speed and the borderline tones. The data shows statistically significant differences in the number of syllables, speed and borderline tones. The number of prosodic groups and the duration give us standard values.


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How to Cite

Etxebarria, A., Abasolo, J., Eguskiza, N., & Iglesias, A. (2020). Characteristics of the prosodic competence of young bilingual basques in storytelling. Journal of Experimental Phonetics, 29, 35–54. Retrieved from


