Analysis of the acoustic properties of basic emotions simulated in early bilingual Spanish-Basque people



acoustic analysis, prosody, emotions, bilingualism


The aim of this paper is to analyze the acoustic properties of the basic emotions caused by simulated early bilingual speakers of Basque and Spanish. For this purpose, the emotions were chosen joy, sadness, anger and neutral phrase. Although there are numerous works dealing with an audio description of emotions in Spanish made ​​from different points of view, we believe that our work provides a new perspective, as it includes the phenomenon of bilingualism and language contact, if we occupies the Spanish and Basque. It should also be noted that although this phenomenon was addressed generally in a previous paper (Gaminde, 2010), never before had spread to the whole field of language.


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How to Cite

Gaminde, I., Romero, A., Garay, U., & Etxebarria, A. (2014). Analysis of the acoustic properties of basic emotions simulated in early bilingual Spanish-Basque people . Journal of Experimental Phonetics, 23, 11–46. Retrieved from


