Towards a new Catalan dialectal map? Considerations from dialectometrically obtained prosodic data
AMPER, dialectometry, ProDis, CatalanAbstract
During the last years the study of prosody has developed thanks to a huge number of research that have been carried out from different perspectives. This notwithstanding, in the case of Catalan prosodic studies have focused mostly on the variety spoken in Barcelona and have neglected other dialects. The AMPER project and its Catalan section (known as AMPER-CAT) have tried to fill this gap by gathering and analysing data of broad focus statements and information-seeking yes-no questions in several Catalan dialects. The descriptive objective of the project has already been achieved. For this reason, the aim of this article is analysing the data with dialectometrical techniques that can provide a global vision of the dialectal configuration of Catalan from a prosodic point of view. Such analysis is carried out by means of ProDis, a dialectometrical tool developed at the Phonetics Laboratory of the University of Barcelona. The results of the analysis do not coincide exactly with traditional dialectometric studies, which have not taken into account prosodic data. Finally, Catalan prosodic data are analysed in the framework of Romance languages. The results provide a map that does not match exactly with the tenets of traditional Catalan dialectology, who has worked with prosodic data and are related to other Romance varieties.
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