Apunts sobre la percepció de fricatius i africats en lleidatà
perception, fricatives, affricates, speech model of LleidaAbstract
The aim of this paper is to explore in a western dialect of Catalan (Lleidatà) the perception of the variability between: 1) voiced and voiceless alveolopalatal affricates and fricatives in initial and post-consonantal position and 2) presence or absence of [j] stemming from the segregation of the glide in voiced and voiceless alveolopalatal fricatives. I studied 39 Lleidatà speakers: a) 19 schoolchildren (11 boys and 8 girls aged 9 to 10 and born between 1998 and 1999), and b) 20 university students (12 females and 8 males aged 18 to 20 and born between 1988 and 1990). The data obtained can be summed up in the following way: (1) voiceless fricatives and affricates in initial and post-consonantal position and voiceless fricatives with and without glide are better perceived and discriminated than the voiced ones, (2) subjective considerations of speakers show that voiced sibilants have an imperceptible allophony, which can be explained though internal factors; variability between voiceless fricatives and affricates is quite perceptible and the linguistic insecurity showed by interviewees is determined by age of speakers; in voiceless fricatives, the presence or absence of glide is perceived by mostly all the judges and the variability between them is not accepted.
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