Methodological notes on the preparation of the amper acted-speech corpus for languages without an oral standard form



Methodology, AMPER, Acted-speech corpus, Friulian


The aim of this article is to present some methodological remarks about how the AMPER (Multimedia Atlas of Romance Prosody Space) acted-speech corpus should be designed in the case of languages that, like most of the Romance regional languages of the​​ Italian Peninsula, do not have a standard oral form. Thanks to the experience gathered while collecting prosodic data for Friulian, it has become clear that for this type of languages the preparation of the acted-speech corpus requires the researcher to take into account various aspects of diatopic variation (basically lexicon, segmental phonetics, morphology and syntax). In addition to a solid prior knowledge of such aspects in the different dialects, the researcher will also need the co-operation of local informants (native speakers of the dialects to be studied) that can help him/her to prepare the sentences of the corpus in question.


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How to Cite

Roseano, P. (2017). Methodological notes on the preparation of the amper acted-speech corpus for languages without an oral standard form. Journal of Experimental Phonetics, 26, 283–309. Retrieved from




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