Prominencia H*: una muestra de español de Cuba


  • Guillermo Andrés Toledo


The dialectal variability of the toneme and the invariance of the pre-toneme (L*+H) are observed elsewhere, a general rule for Spanish dialects. With the aim of determine the tonal taxonomy, the pre-toneme invariance and the toneme variability, the speaker's tonal space is segmented in tonal micro-spaces according to psycho-phonetic thresholds, JND: 1.50 semitone. Two Cuban Spanish corpora are acoustically analyzed: one, read texts emitted by three male informants, and two, a broadcasting material produced by three male informants in a political debate, semi-spontaneous speech. The recorded material is segmented in intonational phrases, and paroxytone pitch accents are selected for analysis. The findings show a high degree of tonal variability in the pre-toneme (monotonal H* and H* in bi-tonal combinations) and certain invariance in the toneme. The findings are similar to the obtained in Buenos Aires, in Peninsular, and in Insular Spanish discourses and opposed to the obtained in laboratory corpora.


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How to Cite

Toledo, G. A., & LIS-CONICET. (2004). Prominencia H*: una muestra de español de Cuba. Journal of Experimental Phonetics, 13, 181–202. Retrieved from


