Modelo autosegmental y entonación: los corpues DIES-RTVP
The pre-toneme (all pre-nuclear pitch accents generated by the concatenation of static levels H(igh) and L(ow) to segments) has been analyzed. Six materials of spontaneous speech (DIES-RTVP corpora) emitted by two male speakers (Bilbao and Córdoba, debates), by a male speaker and a female speaker (Madrid, broadcasting voices), and by two female speakers (Madrid, cultural journalists) have been acoustically examined. Pitch accents are classified according to micro-spaces determined by psycho-phonetic differences, the tonal threshold in each accent rules the opposition H versus L. Results indicate a high frequency of appearance of pitch accents (H* , L+ H* , (L+H*)+L) and a low frequency of appearance of pitch accents integrated by L*. These findings are similar to the obtained in Buenos Aires discourses and in Madrid discourses (CREA corpora). Results do not support the view that pre-nuclear pitch accents in Hispanic dialects are constant (an occurrence of L*+H due to overshooting) but the opposite, the presence of a complex taxonomy.
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