La percepció de l’entonació declarativa i interrogativa per part de parlants bilingües castellà-català i monolingües castellà de Barcelona


  • Carlos Van Oosterzee Universitat de Barcelona


The present study deals with the perception that Barcelona Spanish-Catalan bilingual and Spanish monolingual speakers have of Barcelona Spanish and Catalan declarative and interrogative intonation patterns.

Perceptual tests were given to 65 bilingual and monolingual judges with mixed Barcelona Spanish and Catalan stimuli.

The results show, in the first place, that bilingual speakers do not discriminate code (language). Intonation is, thus, perceived as appliable to both languages. On the other hand, monolingual speakers do distinguish both code and modality (declarative, interrogative), but they can confound them in a wrong way.

Taking this into account, we can get to know the perception of intonation in cases of bilingualism, which allows us to discover the way intonation works in language-contact situations so that we can find general patterns.


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How to Cite

Van Oosterzee, C. (2005). La percepció de l’entonació declarativa i interrogativa per part de parlants bilingües castellà-català i monolingües castellà de Barcelona. Journal of Experimental Phonetics, 14, 295–307. Retrieved from




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