Papel de los suprasegmentos en la construcción de la (macro)estructura discursiva
macrostructure, intonation, paratone, prosody, pausesAbstract
This article examines the prosodic elements involved in the internal structuration of monological discourses (i.e. macrostructure), in two main aspects: the configuration of the paratones and the phonetic signals indicating the concatenation of the sentences. For that purpose, the Spanish parliamentary discourse will be analyzed. We will focus on the speeches delivered in the plenary sessions 246 and 247 of the Spanish Congress of Deputies of the XIV Legislature, held on March 21st and 22nd. These correspond to the motion of censure that the parliamentary group VOX lodged against the President of the Government and the subsequent debate. Common and idiosyncratic elements in the configuration of the textual macrostructure will be analyzed.
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