Knowledge and learning in the course ‘Role and Identity’ in Social Work




identity, Social Work, complexity, (auto)biography


In this paper we discuss the conceptual and methodological principles underlying the course ‘Role and Identity’ of the Degree in Social Work at the University of Barcelona. The main purpose of this paper is to generate a space for reflection of the concepts approach underlying the pedagogical and theoretical approach of the subject, which may be of interest to both Social Work students and professionals. For this reason, this paper takes the shape of an essay, to facilitate the reasoning and the theoretical-reflective explanation derived from the experiences, knowledge and learning of the teachers who have been part of this course. This theoretical review of the course is tackled from two dimensions: the ontological dimension of the content of the teaching plan and the epistemological dimension of the educational methodology. In this sense, we reflect the need of Social Work students to acknowledge the underlying complexity required to understand their personal and professional reality and situates the (auto) biographical narrative as the strategy that allows students to think and (re) think themselves as subjects, and at the same time (re) construct this complexity.


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How to Cite

Sangrà Boladeres, T., López Rodríguez, J. A., & Iannitelli Muscolo, S. . (2022). Knowledge and learning in the course ‘Role and Identity’ in Social Work. Itinerarios De Trabajo Social, (2), 17–25.


