Women transforming Sant Roc’s public space.
What does community Social Work provide?
community Social Work, participation, women, emancipation, public spaceAbstract
A unique case study is presented on a community social work experience around the improvement of their local environment by organized women named ‘Dones i Barri’ in a multicultural peripheral neighborhood with a weak social links, and an intensive and conflictive use of public space. This practice, accompanied by a social worker, is comissioned to support a process of collective strengthening to activate the neighborhood participation. To this end, techniques linked to research-Action-Participatory methodologies are applied, such as, for example, collective mapping and participatory surveying; collaborative artistic methodologies, with ephemeral and ‘Arpilleras’ public art techniques. And the methodologies of popular education as the circles of collective learning and the historical-temporal lines. This text describes these techniques that in different degrees, modes and intensities allow an integrated, dynamic and fluid development between the educational, social and political dimension in the core development of an emancipatory Community Social Work. Among the main contributions we find: 1. An educational approach that provides self-confidence and a greater centrality in themselves. 2. A greater social organization of the group, which favors co-leadership and the appropriation of action-reflection, which allows them to move from indignation to the construction of a collective action project 3. Increases the public visibility of women favoring a more situated political position that impacts both its close networks and the community role of the neighborhood’s commitment to the neighborhood.
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