New trends in teaching methodologies: gamification in the Degree of Social Work


  • Fidely Polanco Grullón Universitat de València



Social work, teaching, gamification, Covid-19


One of the consequences of COVID-19 has been causing Higher Education teachers to have to improve and even adapt the methodologies that have always been used, that is, teaching considered masterful. All this in order to renew and adapt to the new panorama and what all this entails. The new incorporation of these processes and tools related to the use of technology, seeks that, through the innovation of teachers, students feel more motivated and can acquire greater learning. For this reason, this article intends to reflect on the benefits of using gamification as a teaching-learning technique in the university context. As well as its use as a complement to the resources available to the university professor, in which it seeks to promote the development and optimal acquisition of the skills of the students of the Degree in Social Work. For this, a review of the scientific literature of primary and secondary sources has been carried out from a qualitative methodology, specifically from critical hermeneutics, on the technique of gamification in the area of Social Work. The initial results indicate that the delivery of teaching in Higher Education has been transformed due to COVID-19. Teachers have had to see the need and importance of the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in their day to day in the classroom.


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How to Cite

Polanco Grullón, F. (2023). New trends in teaching methodologies: gamification in the Degree of Social Work. Itinerarios De Trabajo Social, (3), 104–109.


