Positive parenting, new challenges of Social Work. Generation of spaces free of violence.
violence, nonviolent discipline, positive parenting, Social WorkAbstract
Faced with a frenetic world and permeated by a culture of violence at different levels and contexts, including educational and family, positive parenting practices are installed as a bastion of correction forms and early childhood education free of all types of aggression. In this sense, the objective of this article is to situate the reflection in positive parenting, as part of an education based on encouragement and on the empowerment of mutual respect. To this end, a documentary research was carried out in which main and available sources related to violence, non-violent discipline, Social Work and positive parenting were consulted; using different search engines and metasearch engines to carry out the construction of the corresponding arguments. It concludes that professionals in the field of social intervention, including Social Work, parents, caregivers or guardians, should be enabled to recognize such non-aggressive disciplinary practices, aimed at positive education in the face of inadequate behavior of children or adolescents, as part of the construction of ecosystems free of any type of hostility and violence.
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